April Fool’s Day and Porn…

Photo courtesy Wikipedia

Since I have been back at work, I obviously have not been watching daytime tv…

Today I thought, sweet, I can watch the usual shows and have a slacker morning.

Regis and Kelly… no one is home, they do a LAME 10th anniversary show, I know…most days it’s lame, but today more than normal.

The View… repeat with Billy Ray Cyrus, that I watched like three weeks ago… No thanks, it was excruciating the first time.

So the question is, are the Americans having a holiday today? And how come WE don’t get one? Not that it matters, I am off anyways…it’s just the point.

I am watching Jerry Springer…really.

It is about some chick that is proud to be a porn star. Really? You are proud?

Don’t get me wrong, I like porn the same as the next girl, or maybe the one next to her…

But I wouldn’t be PROUD that you screw random guys on screen.

You probably make way more money than I do…which makes me bitter. I would love to get paid for something I am really good at…like screwing…


I have some integrity, and a Dad that would fucking murder me…

Her Dad is apparently passed on, and her brother doesn’t seem to be mad enough to me…just saying.

If my brother was a porn star, I would definitely have something to say about it. As I am sure he would to me…

So I am thinking maybe I will go have my shower now, and light a fire…

It just isn’t enough to hold my interest…

Maybe I will just watch a little porn first though…I mean we have to keep Jerry employed right?


15 thoughts on “April Fool’s Day and Porn…

  1. Pingback: 1 Year Blogoversary... | The Redneck Princess

  2. Pingback: Tag, I’m it… | The Redneck Princess

  3. American TV daytime shows have hit rerun time. I usually have the TV on during the day and everything is reruns. Or maybe we are having a holiday. If we are, nobody told me. But if we are, feel free to enjoy it, especially if we can have one of yours.


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